Error while verifying the Opening of Certificates in DOP Finacle
- In finacle when we are trying to verify the opening of certificates(NSC\KVP) then the system sometimes will throw an error "Cheque book not issued " and the verification will not go further as shown in the figure
As you can see from the above figure verification is not allowed.
For the above problem for suppose you have issued the NSC/KVP for Rs 50000/- then the system will generate the 5 transactions which will be in Entered level but for the first transaction the system will include the cheque number as shown in the below figure
- In the above example chq no 533271 is not available for debit SB account hence note this transaction id and delete in HTM by selecting the function Delete enter the transaction id and submit. Note the credit account number also by clicking on record 2 which belongs to the NSC registration number.
- In the next step go for verification of Certificates by using the menu CSCOAACV and verify in the supervisor the said registration number will be verified with 40000/- only as we deleted 10000/- for the noted credit account in the previous step.Logic is the deleted transaction will be verified with "0" amount what we deleted in step1.
- Now we have to credit the amount but before this step issue the cheque by using HICHB issue and verify in the supervisor.
- but for the deleted transaction we have to re- enter the amount by using the menu HTM Select function add,transaction type as Customer induced then enter debit SB account,amount as 10000/-and credit into NSC account as noted in the step1.
- Now in the last step inquire the no of accounts for that customer using the menu HCRV.
So before issuing the Certificates make sure that the given cheque number by the customer is issued for SB account of that customer which you are debiting for opening a certificate in order to overcome the above error.