SCSS extension problem in DOP Finacle
- When anyone try to renew the SCSS account sometimes we will get the error as "W0205 - Acct balance [ 99990.00] after lien [ 0] not sufficient for Renewal Amt [ 100000.00]" the same was shown below
- Even when we close some of the accounts the principle amount is deducting due to excess interest paid to the customer for the quarter December 2014 hence the principle will be less in some of the SCSS accounts which was mentioned by the Infosys help desk.
Root cause of the above problem
- Infosys help desk team informed that due to excess interest credit in some of SCSS accounts during the interest run batch run on 31st December 2014, an IAR entry has been made in such accounts so that customer may not close the account without refunding the excess interest. In case of closure, this IAR amount is getting deducted from closure amount but in case customer wants extension, system is not allowing this because the balance amount will not be in multiple of 1000/-.
Solution for the Above problem
- To allow renewal of such accounts, following procedure should be followed:-
- Post office first go for renewal and see the amount of IAR entry in the screen and ask depositor to pay this amount as it was excess paid in last quarter. Amount collected should be credited into UCR and receipt be given to customer. Renewal application should be retained. A letter/mail is to be sent to SBCO mentioning the ACG-67 number and amount collected for removing IAR entry.
- Incharge SBCO will Go to HIARM menu and follow the process mentioned in the enclosed document. Once entry is removed, an intimation should be sent to post office which will renew the account as usual.
- SBCO Incharge should maintain a register for the IAR entries removed for future reference.
- Procedure for modifying the IARM entry is as follows
HIARM means Interest Adjustment Register Maintenance
- This menu is SBCO user menu which is used to modify the interest i.e, excess interest generated can be modified by using this menu.
- The detailed procedure for modifying the interest is as mentioned below
STEP 2: Click on Modify(M-MODIFY) fun code from function list and A/c./Bill/Disbursement as A-A/Cs
STEP 3: GIVE the CBS account number for A/c./Bill/Disbursement ID field:
STEP 4: Click on GO button
STEP 5: Click the check box for DEL column only for the entry in which remarks is given asDAILY_FACTOR_INT_CORRECTION
STEP 6: Press SUBMIT BUTTON, Result page will come.
- Follow the above procedure for the list of SCSS accounts which was shared by the Infosys help desk team for which excess interest paid for December-2014.